Grand Day Out 2023

Bill Mantle has sent the report below:- Eddy

I had been looking forward to Mick’s “Grand Day Out” for a long time and had recruited my Son and Daughter to join the run. After gathering at my house for breakfast we set off for the start at Tutbury where we found a good 20 bikes with their riders all anxiously checking weather Apps and concluding that the original destination in deepest darkest Shropshire was no longer viable due to the predicted rain and thunderstorms.  Mick made a quick decision, supported by the assembled throng to head off in an easterly direction instead to the truck stop at Colsterworth. It was agreed that we would travel “in convoy” rather than use the drop off system and we set off following Mick’s lead. Alas, the Saltbox traffic lights wrecked the convoy and about half of us lost sight of the leaders! It was amusing to see around a dozen bikes entering a roundabout on the outskirts of Hilton and going round and round hoping somebody would know which turning we should take!!

In an attempt to read Mick’s mind, I lead our family group to Willington where we found the vanguard waiting at the kerbside and Mick going back up the road to gather the strays. The run then proceeded without incident through Repton, Milton, Ticknall, Caulk, Lount, on to the B5324 (one of my favourite roads) through Griffydam, Osgathorpe, Belton, Hathern, Asfordby, Melton Mowbray crossing the A1 to the Colsterworth Truckstop where refreshments were taken. The Mantles left the run at this point so hopefully somebody else will record the return journey.

Hard luck to Rob Jameson who had to leave the run because his beautifully restored Ariel Sqare Four decided to throw a hissy fit and start misfiring, but thank you to everyone else for their company. There was a great spectrum of bikes from a number of post war singles and twins, through club eligible “Yellow Platers” to modern bikes, all united by the enjoyment of motorcycling.

Again, a huge thank you to Mick Leach for organising and leading the run.  Bill Mantle

Some photographs from Andy Roberts























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